Friday, February 21, 2014

stuff that made me smile to see

Does any one else remember tinkerbell lipgloss and nailpolish? I don't think I had any, but I remember seeing it all the time and a lot of friends had it. I remember it didn't stay on at all just seeing it makes me smile.

I was in kindergarten I remember my older sister wanting and getting this "get in shape girl" for Christmas. I remember the wrist bands haha

for some reason these cereals, especially the strawberry shortcake one are a highlite memory for me.

I always loved my glow worm. I remember it being so hard to push the button to make it glow, my hands were so tiny I could barely do it.

My older sister also had this book, it was a binder and every month they would send more inserts for it. I would borrow it all the time to learn to put on my make-up and learn all sorts of random stuff.

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